Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Communication is key

Thomas Sowell kinda sorta comes out for Giuliani and Gingrich here. Sowell, one of the finest teachers in contemporary journalism, argues for a Republican presidential candidate who can communicate:

At a crucial time in the history of this country and of Western Civilization, the Democrats are embracing foreign policies with a long track record of defeat, which can be punctuated by the ultimate defeat, terrorist nations and movements with nuclear weapons.

That is the background against which the many aspiring presidential candidates of both parties must be judged.

Among the Democrats, the various candidates all seem to be trying to outdo each other in advocating defeatist policies, as if we can unilaterally call off the war on terror by pulling out of Iraq with our tail between our legs, turning the country over to the terrorists as a base from which to destabilize the region and launch more attacks against the West—including the United States.

That is why it is important, even for those of us who are not Republicans, that the Republicans come up with a candidate who not only has guts and brains but who also knows how to communicate.

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