Thursday, May 24, 2007

A Job for Jim

Speaking of people for whom I thought there was no job, it looks like there still is a market for Notre Dame classics majors. From National Review Online:

Aaaaaaaaaarrrgh! [John Derbyshire]

A reader, in re my Neal Stephenson review in the current issue of New Atlantis:

"One annus mirabilis, two anni mirabiles. See e.g. here."

Normally I'd shrug this off with a breezy "Blame the editor!" That's what editors are for. However, after four years of Latin, I really should have known better, so I'm going to claim this blooper as all my own and do appropriate penance—decline a few nouns, perhaps.

05/24 09:19 AM


RE: Aaaaaaaaaarrrgh! [Yuval Levin]

Derb, as one of the New Atlantis editors you would blame, I accept it, and the accompanying shame. I think your post will have Adam Keiper—our fantastically detail oriented chief—all the more obsessed with grammatical precision (and Latin) than he is already. Shipments of ultra fine tooth combs are surely on their way to the office, along with interns from Notre Dame.

Do they still teach Latin at Notre Dame?

05/24 09:39 AM

They sure do, Yuval. They sure do.

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